Screencasting or Screen capturing involved capturing your screen activity that will be played back by other users. It is often used for creating online tutorials and training videos.
When installing the Android SDK you may be presented with Java SE Development Kit (JDK) not found error. This may appear even if the JDK is installed. The solution is surprisingly simple ...
Blu-Ray video discs can store high-definition video in a number of different formats. These allow a maximum resolution of 1920×1080 and up to 59.94 frames per second. This table shows the formats.
I took part in an Ipsos MORI survey to monitor my radio listening for a week. What I didn't realise was the personal data I supplied would be used to pester me weeks later.
Configuring Kwizcom Cascading Lookup Plus Field for Sharepoint isn't always clear even if you've read the user guide. This YouTube video makes it a bit clearer.
If you are creating or managing a website there are a number of free tools out there you can use to monitor traffic and check your site for errors. This is vital in maximising the number of visitors.