

Techniques, code snippets, examples and information relating to PLSQL, Javascript and APEX

Get The Width Of The Browser Window

Sometimes it is useful to obtain the dimensions of the users browser window. The following JavaScript code can be used to obtain the height and width.

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Show Hide HTML Items Using JavaScript

This Javascript function allows you to toggle the visibility of HTML items by using their ID.

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Read And Write Text Files In VB.NET

This example code shows how you can use the StreamReader class to read and write standard text files. It can be used to read lines from one file, process them and then write them back to another file.

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Recommended Development Tools

Here is a list of my recommended development tools. Most of them are free! I use a combination of these applications for HTML, CSS, Javascript and database development.

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Javascript Forward & Back Buttons

Using Javascript you can replicate the forward and back button functionality of your browser in your web pages.

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APEX Custom Debug Messages

APEX allows you to create your own custom debug messages. This allows you to find faults and trace the operation of your PLSQL blocks.

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Send Emails From APEX

In order to send emails from Oracle APEX you can use the APEX_MAIL API. You can send plain text or HTML emails while defining the sender, recipients and bccs.

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