Techniques, code snippets, examples and information relating to PLSQL, Javascript and APEX
Category : PHP & MySQL
This category contains all articles related to the PHP programming language and the MySQL database system. It also covers tools and applications that are used to develop and manage those systems such as phpMyAdmin.
cURL is a PHP library that allows you to connect to servers using a variety of different protocols. These include HTTP,FTP and HTTPs. This script allows you to check if it is enabled on your server.
If you need to convert an image to greyscale (or grayscale) using PHP then code is for you! It can handle Truecolor and indexed images and I have tested with JPG and PNG images.
This function allows you to pad a string with a specified string or character. It inserts the padding character or string between each character of the original string.
Displaying email addresses as text means there is a risk that it will be harvested by spammers. An easy way to avoid this is to display it as an image. This is how you can generate an image with PHP.