

Send Emails From An APEX Application  

by Matt Hawkins, 15/04/2009
Categories : APEX

In order to send emails from Oracle APEX you can use the APEX_MAIL API.

You can send plain text or HTML emails while defining the sender, recipients and bccs.

Note : The package is built using the Oracle supplied UTL_SMTP package so the UTL_SMTP package must be installed and functioning in order to use APEX_MAIL.

Here is an example function that sends a plain text email and an HTML email :


v_subject VARCHAR2(100);
v_sender VARCHAR2(100);
v_recipient VARCHAR2(100);
v_cc VARCHAR2(100);
v_bcc VARCHAR2(100);
v_body VARCHAR2(4000);
v_body_html VARCHAR2(4000);


v_subject := \'Email Subject\';
v_sender := \'\';
v_recipient := \'\';
v_cc := \'\';
v_bcc := \'\';

v_body := \'Some text\' || chr(10) || \'more text here\';
v_body_html := \'Some text<br />more text here\';

-- Send plain text email
P_TO => v_recipient,
P_FROM => v_sender,
P_CC => v_cc,
P_BCC => v_bcc,
P_SUBJ => v_subject,
P_BODY => v_body);

-- Send HTML email
P_TO => v_recipient,
P_FROM => v_sender,
P_CC => v_cc,
P_BCC => v_bcc,
P_SUBJ => v_subject,
P_BODY => v_body,
P_BODY_HTML => v_body_html);


Make sure v_body is defined so that it can hold all of your message text!

You can add the following code to flush the mail queue which will force your email to be sent immediately :

-- Flush queue

Author : Matt Hawkins  Last Edit By : Matt Hawkins
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