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Category : General

This category contains all articles that do not fit in the other categories.

List Of Search Engine Stop Words

Stop words are words which are removed or filtered from a block of text during processing. This is often to remove common words from search results or keyword listings.

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Beware Marks And Spencer Sale Deception

Beware of the Marks and Spencer "Sale". In the run up to Christmas they sold a Sony KDL 40EX503 LCD TV for £699. Now in the "Sale" they are selling it for £849 but with £150 off!! Wow what a bargain.

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WikiLeaks Under Attack

The powers that be are trying to censor Wikileaks. Unless you are busy torturing people, covering up war crimes or spying on the UN you might be interested in the following information.

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Worst Companies I Have Dealt With

I'm sick to death of poor/low quality service from UK companies. Here is my list of companies to avoid. I will update this article every time I receive an unacceptable level of service.

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The Elusive 8mm To VHS Tape Converter

Some people have been advised that there is a converter in which you can play an 8mm tape it back in a VHS player. This device does not exist and never has existed.

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OpenOffice Macro To Set Column Widths

I spent ages trying to figure out how to set the columns widths of all tables in an OpenOffice Writer document using an OpenOffice Basic macro. I finally worked it out and here is my solution.

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Chris Cardell And The ASA

There is one thing I hate and that is big companies with a department full of low grade lawyers trying to silence innocent members of the public. This might ring some bells with the Cardell Media.

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Blacklist For Spammers and Scammers

Need a quick start blacklist for blocking scammers, spammers and criminals? Here's a list of domains that send unsolicited junk email that you can delete without even bothering to think about.

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Online Backup : Mozy Vs Carbonite

I decided to try an online backup service to backup my important data. This mainly consisted of my photo collection. Mozy and Carbonite seemed to be popular so I decided to give them a try.

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Scam Warning -

The following iphone 3g 3gs unlocking website, is a scam. This site is likely to be loaded with spyware and malware. It is operated by scum who want to steal your money.

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