

Javascript Functions To Left And Right Pad A String  

by Matt Hawkins, 14/10/2010
Categories : JavaScript

The following functions allow you to Left or Right pad a string with a specified number of characters.



<script type="text/javascript">

// These functions return strings padded with
// the appropriate number of padding characters
// either on the left or right of the starting
// string.
// pStart - Starting string or number
// pTotalSize - Total length of completed string
// pPad - Character to use for padding

function LPad(pStart,pTotalSize,pPad) {

var vPadding;

pStart = pStart.toString();

if (pTotalSize > pStart.length)
for (i=0; i < (pTotalSize-pStart.length); i++)
vPaddedString += pPad;
return vPadding + pStart.toString();

function RPad(pStart,pTotalSize,pPad) {

var vPadding;

pStart = pStart.toString();

if (pTotalSize > pStart.length)
for (i=0; i < (pTotalSize-pStart.length); i++)
vPaddedString += pPad;
return pStart.toString() + vPadding;


Author : Matt Hawkins  Last Edit By : Matt Hawkins
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