Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX) is a rapid web application development tool which uses the Oracle Database.
It allows the development of professional, fast, secure and scalable web-based applications. Using just a browser it is possible to create applications with limited programming experience.
APEX is a no-cost system for licensed users of Oracles database technology.
The Oracle official website includes downloads, tutorials and resources
Oracle Official Website
The Oracle APEX forum is the home to a community of developers where questions can be asked and answered
APEX Forum
The following blogs contain a gold mine of hints, tips and tutorials for Application Express. Often this is information you won't find in a book or on a training course :
Denes Kubicek ApEx BLOG
Yet Another Blog About Oracle Application Express
The official document library contains the set of documents relating to a specific version of APEX. This includes Release Notes, Installation Guides, Express Developer's Guides, Administration Guides and API References.
APEX v4.1 Documentation Library
APEX v4.0 Documentation Library
APEX v3.2 Documentation Library